what a busy springtime we’ve had

I was invited by Kemon to attend a colour and style workshop to pick up on the latest trends. I also went to a hairdressers retreat in Chester, England. It was being held over 2 days in a mansion where we collaborated on ideas and business. We had 2 workshops at the event, 1 about boring financial stuff and 1 about mindfulness and meditation. It was right up my street. And I also got to showcase my own bit of work I do by giving a talk on holistic hairdressing. It was so good to be able to share my passion with other like minded hairstylists.

I also had a wedding call out to do in Leixlip manor. A stunning setting with a stunning bride and her family.

Next up is the Chaulk Education day… myself and Jess organised for Chaulk education to come and do a brand neutral colour course with us. 10 if us in total. We are all really looking forward to it. Its safe to say it has been busy, I am looking forward to slowing down in summer time and taking a couple days off.


and FAKED was born..


Getting ready for Spring