2024’s Ins & Outs…

What a year 2023 has been. I am blessed to have a wonderful family and be able to do a job I love. That been said, I also think there is always room to grow, learn, love and improve so this is some of my 2024 ‘Ins & Outs’..


- Reading more and actually completing books

- Meditating at least twice a week

- Scalp care, scalp treatments

- Walks, in the sun or the rain

- More beneficial liquids, like, cacao, kombucha and herbal tea

- Regular nail care, maintenance

- Embracing my femininity, learning more about female hormone health

- One on One dates with each of my boys

- Creating a better work life balance

- Treating myself to a massage more regularly.


- Listening to irrelevant podcasts

- Hair trends i.e “cowboy copper”, “angel blonde”

- Scrolling before bed

- Complicated skincare routines

- Procrastinating my admin tasks

- Truly uncomfortable footwear

- Pressure on myself to be perfect

- Negative self talk


2024 starting with a Bang!


Officially uploading Orilab.